World Population Day

Today the 11th of July 2019 marks the United Nation’s World Population Day. This day’s main purpose is to spotlight the necessity and urgency of population issues. It was established by the UN in 1989, spurred by the interest created by the day of five billion (the day world population clocked 5 billion). “The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development is the world’s blueprint for a better future for all on a healthy planet. On World Population Day, we recognize that this mission is closely interrelated with demographic trends including population growth, ageing, migration and urbanization,” says the UN Secretary-General.
Essentials for managing population issues include;
- Educating the public on removal of gender stereotypes.
- Educating young girls and boys on abstaining from pre-marital sex and techniques
- Engaging and empowering the youth to kick out idleness.
- Demanding certain laws to protect the rights of a girl child.
- Policies that ensure delayed marriages until one is able to comprehend all its responsibilities.
Research has shown that 800 women die every day in the process of childbirth, 15 million pregnancies in the world occurs between age 15-19 and only 4 million of these pregnancies end in abortion. Ensuring the application of reproductive health and family planning is a necessity to curb population issues.
Beyond all these, this is a call to be each other’s keeper. Take a second look at that underage girl with a Boyfriend, do not shy away from educating your kids on sex at an early age. Extend a hand of love to a struggling brother/co-worker. Policies around this issues should be created and enacted. We were all placed in this world at a time such as this for a reason, let’s stand together, have each other’s back and fight to ensure a better future for all.
Happy World Population Day.