Work-out and live large!

Exercise is here to stay. To truly enjoy life, hopping onto this bandwagon is in our best interest. With a variety of routines to choose from, we have no excuses anymore. Like the saying; wealth is health, do all you can to cash in! In our usual manner, we are here doing all the heavy lifting by offering these quick routines you can try out right where you are.
Jumping Jack; Stand with your feet together, engage your core with hands at your sides. Jump up with your feet wider than hip-width apart, then bring arms up to clap hands overhead. Jump your feet back together and bring your arms down to your sides to return to starting position. Repeat as quickly and long as possible. This exercise strengthens your entire body, improves balance and flexibility, it’s easy and can be done anywhere.
Lunge; stand with your hands on your hip and feet hip-width apart. Step with your right leg forward and lower your body slowly until left knee is close to or touching the floor or bent at 90 degrees at least. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite foot. This exercise is mostly for the legs, it also strengthens your core and work the entire body.
Bear Crawl; Get down on your hands and knees, rise up onto the toes and tighten the core. Slowly reach forward with the right arm and right knee, followed by the left side. To know you got this right, your posture should be like a bear crawling. Continue the crawl for 8-10 reps or more, you might want to shut others out on this one and spare their darling hearts. This is a full body work-out.
Break a sweat anywhere/anytime, release some endorphins and kick depression in the process. We hope you will try this out soon and start making those deposits in good time.