What’s Your Haemoglobin Level?

Before we dive into Haemoglobin levels and its implications, let’s look quickly into what Haemoglobin is. Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. The iron present in Haemoglobin is also responsible for the red color of blood. It (Haemoglobin) also plays an important role in maintaining the shape of the red blood cells. This component in our system is pretty important and it’s in our best interest to pay a little attention to it right?
Levels (count) of Haemoglobin
Haemoglobin levels can be low, high and normal. Each level of the human system’s Haemoglobin count has certain implications in the functions of the body system. Low Haemoglobin level or red blood count is referred to as anemia. This could be as a result of a good number of reasons; ranging from loss of blood to nutritional deficiencies, kidney failure and more. Higher levels of haemoglobin occurs mostly when a body system requires an increased oxygen-carrying capacity, usually because someone smokes or lives at a high altitude. Dehydration also produces higher levels of Haemoglobin. Normal Haemoglobin levels is necessary for optimal function of the body. Haemoglobin levels varies by gender, age and medical condition.
How to determine your Haemoglobin levels
Haemoglobin levels can be determine in a healthcare facility. Contact your medical practitioner, book an appointment and get tested. Your doctor will determine if your levels indicate an underlying condition after looking at your results in the context of your overall health and diagnose an appropriate treatment.
One of the solutions to Haemoglobin levels is contained in our bottle of Dedeon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12! This product is well packed with all necessary components that provides a critical life support for your system! Don’t allow your system suffer for what you can fix effectively. Give your body a fighting chance to fight for you…try out our Dedeon’s syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12 and see the outcome.
Note; This information isn’t intended to replace the advice of a trained healthcare provider.