What Love Is

Last week was Valentine day and many celebrated in so many different beautiful ways. Popular culture have portrayed a conditional version of love and in order to be cool, a good number of folks have hopped into the band wagon. Let’s take a look at what conditional and unconditional love is. According to Wikipedia, conditional love is love ‘earned’ on the basis of conscious or unconscious conditions being met by the lover, where as unconditional love is given freely to the loved one no matter what. The above mentioned are all types of love, one may hurt badly at some point and the other is there for the long haul. Regardless, it is all up to an individual to choose.
The world we live in now is described as the ‘microwave generation’. This means; people crave for immediate gratification rather than building lasting relationships. Choosing the former always lead to a grave amount of hurt, but considering many are trying to fill a vacuum in themselves, the keep searching for people and stuff to fill that hole or complete them. This process rarely work, what works is choosing yourself. No one can love you better than ‘you loving you’. This is where ‘self-love’ comes in and until you love yourself to wholeness, nothing will ever be enough.
Here is what love is, being comfortable with you and not seeking validation from any one or thing. Being patient, kind to yourself first and refusing all forms of comparison and envy. Making healthy decisions for your body through exercises, meditations, good food and healthy habits. Develop your mind, go to school if need be, take that course, serve others or learn that skill. Watch every content you put into your body and soul. Build a lasting love relationship with you because you are not going anywhere. Choose you first! See our previous posts for more ways to do that. As much as love is amazing when you have someone to share it with, don’t hold back on sharing that same love with yourself while waiting for that big, deep, whole and endless love. Let love begin at home with you, then watch it overflow to your neighbors, community and world at large. Choose you, choose love, we are rooting for you as always!