What is your New Year’s Resolution

What is your New Year Resolution? For a good number of persons, their resolutions is already in a forgotten notebook or hidden somewhere in a pile of dirt. Resolutions usually last about a few days, weeks at most. Many New Year’s Resolution never get to see the new year itself. So what do we do? You may ask. New year resolutions are great when done right. New Years like most new beginnings are full of hopes and dreams. But just like many have come to find out the hard way, unless your change your habits and take deliberate actions toward smashing your goals, the new year will remain like every other year; it doesn’t come with some magical beans that transports you into a magical realm that contains all your dreams in manifestation.
Here is a good step towards achieving your goals this new year. A quote from the book Atomic Habits says; ‘Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are. The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader. The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner. The goal is not to learn an instrument, the goal is to become a musician. This year focus on the identity you want to build.’ Have a picture of the person you want to become and make a plan with necessary actions to become that person. We have a quick quote of our own too; ‘the goal is not to do an exercise, but to become fit. The goal is not to make one random meal with Suppy, but to cook with Suppy seasoning always.’
Of course we had to add that. Decide to pay attention to your body and give it the best chance to fight for you. We said all that to say this; get your De-deon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12 and Suppy seasoning, stay fit and eat healthy, delicious meals. Build lasting plans towards becoming the person you desire and each day, put in the work that will take you closer to becoming that person. This is a good way to smash your goals this year. Have a successful year ahead, we are rooting for you as always!