Water the Ultimate.

For every physical discomfort, my mom first tells me to drink warm water! Most times, I don’t feel like it, but I drink on anyway and it helps all the time, obviously; mother knows best! Let’s talk about water a little bit. Our body weight is about 60% water, every cell, organ and tissue in our body requires water to regulate and maintain proper body function. A number of factors determine the amount of water needed for an individual. In this part of the world with a climate such as ours, a considerate amount of water is needed per individual.
Benefits of water you probably didn’t know;
Prevents Migraines
Aids weight loss (#fitfam, where art thou?)
Protects tissues, spinal cords and joints.
Aids digestion.
Aids menstrual cramps and much more.
The same way our throats gets dry and in dire need of water, our joints and spinal cord do too. Water lubricates and cushions them. Dehydration is a breeding ground for headaches and migraines. Drinking enough water each day aids in keeping these aches away. Drinking warm water during menstruation keeps your body from retaining water and avoid painful bloating. It also increases blood flow to the skin and relaxes cramped muscles thereby easing the pain. An intake of over 1 liter of water per day increases the amount of calories burnt. A study of overweight women who took over a liter of water daily showed an extra 2 kg weight loss.For our climate in Nigeria, we recommend at least 2 liters of water each day, make her your best friend you shall be glad you did.