Update on COVID-19

COVID-19 also known as coronavirus is a disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. The outbreak was first recorded in China and has now spread to various parts of the world, including Nigeria. On Wednesday, the 11th of March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO), declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Yesterday being the 18th of March 2020, the Minister of health revealed five (5) new cases of COVID-19 infection in the country. These new cases sums up the number of confirmed cases in Nigeria to 8. So far, they appear to have mild symptoms and are all under treatment.
We urge you our staffs and fellow Nigerians not to panic. Take care and adhere to necessary precautions of which will be listed below. The Nigerian Government is doing the needful to protect citizen’s health. A National rapid response team has been deployed to support. Five (5) laboratories have been set up and equipped with the capacity to test for COVID-19 in the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) molecular laboratory. Scientists and health care practitioners all over the world are working tirelessly to provide a solution to this pandemic. The Federal Government has also issued a travel ban to largely infected nations.
Here is what we know about the COVID-19 pandemic. It causes mild to severe respiratory symptoms like fever, cough and breathing difficulties. Current evidences shows that about 98 out of 100 persons with the disease will recover. Death is not a common outcome and occurs mostly in elderly patients with underlying health issues. Although a specific treatment hasn’t been found yet, symptoms however can be treated.
How do we protect ourselves then? Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or use alcohol-based sanitizers. Avoid close contact with anyone showing any symptoms of respiratory illness. Practice social distancing, cover your mouth and nose properly with tissue paper when sneezing or sneeze/cough into your elbow. Do not mingle with people if you feel sick with symptoms like fever, cough, sneezing or breathing difficulties, self-isolate and call your health provider. Get your nose masks, hand sanitizers and use them.
These are trying times for our world. But we urge you to not panic, we shall come out of this stronger. Take necessary precautions, be alert and stay safe. More updates shall come your way as events unfolds. We are rooting for you as always.