Time! Where are you?

As August ends and we walk or dance (as the case may be) into the famed Ember months, a nostalgic feeling may rest upon some, while others may be exhilarated for what lies ahead. Regardless of which emotion you may be feeling, what matters most is you are alive and present today. With a world of many opportunities to embark on and ideas to explore, we encourage you to shake off any negative feeling. Embrace the possibility of a better tomorrow, let light and love feel your heart then improve on your goals and take your best shot at them.
Speaking of goals, let’s see its literal meaning briefly. The English Dictionary defines goal as the final purpose or aim; end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain. This explains the desire to live and lead a better life in our nature as humans. What gets us out of bed each day are goals, sounds pretty important right? Well, it is. To ensure we reach our desired aim, we need to know what it is and how to hit it. We are here with a simple exercise for you today. Get a book and put pen to paper what your aim to achieve in this life is (be elaborate as much as possible and leave nothing out). Find out what you need to do in order to execute these goals. Make a schedule on each task or skill you need to learn and see the entire process through.
A songwriter wrote a song titled “make memories while waiting”. This aids proper time management and brings in the excitement to life. Make plans, write your goals down and do all the necessary things to achieve them, but most importantly live and be present through the process. Enjoy your present workplace while you’re drawing the foundation for your establishment, teach others as you save for your doctorate. Cook for your family while you paint the picture of your high-end restaurant in your heart, take a bus to Akure and explore while you work at raising funds for your world tour. Make memories while working on your dreams. Time is infinite, it cannot waste, but you are mortal make each day count. We are cheering you on, go on and do life big! Goodbye August and Hello September!!!