The Nigerian Dream made lit!

Watching the latest coca-cola commercial of Tu-Face and his beautiful family sipping on chilled bottles of coke just drops this huge bag of potatoes in your chest, leaving you all weak and gloomy! “how on earth an ordinary person like me could ever have such joy and peace?” First, you are not ordinary; each one on earth is blessed with some uniqueness, which when discovered and explored can birth much greatness, so don’t put dirt on your grave just yet! Be a little bit patient and unravel the load of awesomeness wrapped up in your being. A wise, respected man once said, the Nigeria we live in today requires 2 or more jobs; a day job and your side hustle (this just makes me laugh every time!). You may be thinking, not all of us can be entrepreneurs, true! You see, to live above the average life, you ought to go the extra mile and this is serious work! Being on your grind, working hard but most importantly, working smart. We know it’s quite exasperating to display the big picture then take the canvas, pencils and papers away, which is why we are here with all the materials needed to create the dream. Hard work isn’t cheap if it were, there will be no beggars on the street, to live the Nigerian dream requires hard + smart work. This is where our De-deon’s syrup of Haemoglobin vit. B12 strolls in, winks! The effect of this bottle are inexhaustible, today we will be looking at one of our key ingredient and its function. Vitamin B12 found in De-deon’s syrup of Haemoglobin is a water soluble vitamin (i.e, it can dissolve in water) necessary for brain function, synthesis of red blood cells and much more. Did you know your body cell’s metabolism depends on Vit., B 12? It helps in the synthesis of fatty acids & production of energy by absorbing folic acid. If you’ve ever seen an elephant trying to get up on its feet after a nap you will understand what some of us go through most days lol , with all our brilliant ideas, we can’t muster the energy to work it, then the other side is made of plenty energy but no concept/creativity. Cheer up! De-deon’s was composed for a time like this! Vitamin B-12 being a water-soluble vitamin makes it extra hard to absorb its nutrients from the common source like boiling (water +heat=loss) liver, leaving you with an equivalent to pomo! Why go through all that waste for nothing when you can have your money’s worth in full? We would pick the latter of course! Therefore, with your body loaded this way…when you aim at your target, surely you shall hit the bull’s eye and within a few years, you discover those efforts bringing in the cheese and keeping the Jerry’s away, hehe.
Photo; @wordsbyezekiel.