Social-Distancing fun activities!

Our entire world is under attack and a huge number of people out there are at a loss of what to do. Life as we know it seems to be at a standstill. Suddenly, things we all took for granted has become precious rubies we wish we had gathered and enjoyed its beauty a little more. Going to the office now feels like a romantic getaway in Paris, having the kids at home seems like being thrown into the lion’s den and markets/public places being shut down feels like prison! As strange as this season is, we can still make the most out of it. Here are a few fun activities you can do while staying safe.
Step-up your hygiene; now is a good time to practice good hygiene and make it into a habit. Wash your hands frequently, especially after any form of contact with another person. Avoid using your fingers to poke your nose, eyes and other soft parts of your body. Clean your house and wash your clothes often.
Boost your immune system with Dedeon’s; syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12. Its a dear friend to hold closer this period. Can’t keep up with the kids/spouse? Need to detoxify? Or build up some muscle? Dedeon’s syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12 is your trusted companion! From optimal liver function to vitamins b12 deficiencies to treatment of malignancy of the pancreas or bowel to strength and physical endurance…its function is endless. Hold on to your bottle of Dedeon’s and live fully.
Get active; don’t confine yourself. Take a walk around the block, make sure you’re fully kitted with your nose masks and gloves. Clock in some exercise routines at home, get active and refuse to live a sedentary lifestyle! We need you in shape after this situation.
Play games; such as puzzles of a thousand pieces, cards, scrabble, PS, Ludo and more. Keep the kids engage and use this opportunity to create lasting bonds with your family.
Cook with Suppy; we have a good number of fun recipes in our previous posts. Look them up, get the ingredients and whip something delicious together.
The list is endless, we hope these few listed above will keep you and your family a little bit warm. Stay safe, refuse to be afraid and remain hopeful. We will get through this and laugh about it someday. We are always rooting for you!