Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Iron Deficiency Anaemia is a condition where the body lacks a sufficient amount of mineral iron which leads to low levels of red blood cells and an inability for optimal body function. Our body needs iron to produce haemoglobin; a protein in red blood cells that ensures the carriage and distribution of oxygen around the body. When the body lacks haemoglobin, the tissues and muscles are deprived of adequate oxygen and this results to low body function. But all these can be prevented when you pay attention to your body and take necessary precautions.
Here are a few signs and symptoms of Iron Deficiency you might be ignoring;
• Inflammation or soreness of your tongue
• Brittle nails
• Cold hands and feet
• Poor appetite, especially in infants and children
• Unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice, dirt or starch
• Unusual tiredness
• Pale skin and pale colouring of the inside of the lower eyelids
• Shortness of breath
• Headaches and dizziness
• Dry and damaged hair
If you discover the presence of these symptoms in your body, there are a number of things you can do to restore the haemoglobin levels and store up on your iron stores. You can visit your nearest hospital and consult with a physician. Change your diet by incorporating iron-rich foods in it. Foods such as green leafy vegetables, beans and fruits. A sure way to load up is by consuming Dedeon’s syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12. One of the active ingredients in the bottle is Haemoglobin. One of the functions of Dedeon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12 is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. There are also fun, interesting ways to consume this Syrup with ease. Read our previous posts and catch up on all the details.
Stay safe and healthy, we are rooting for you as always.