Nightcap with De-Deon’s

The uses of De-Deon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12 is not only effective but also very diverse! From muscle development to detoxification of our bodies, to Anemia, to endurance and strength, chronic fatigue and more! The list is just inexhaustible! We have an exciting addition to this list and another effective way to enjoy your number one (1) syrup!
Nightcap is any drink taken shortly before bedtime to induce sleep. There is nothing like a good night rest. People who wake up all cheery with a huge burst of energy are those easier to hang out with, more productive in general and that person could be you too!
Research suggests that good levels of B vitamins like B12, helps to achieve good sleep as they help regulate the body’s level of the amino acid tryptophan. This component helps the body produce sleep-inducing melatonin. Good news, a tablespoon of De-Deon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12 contains the right amount of vitamin B12 for your body. By stirring a tablespoon in a cup of water; warm or cold and drinking shortly before bedtime will definitely promote a good night’s sleep.
Make every day of your life count. Do not allow fatigue, restlessness or any form of weakness rob you of your precious time. Do not wait for your body to shut down before taking precautions to ensure its optimal function. Like the old proverbs says; make hay while the sun shines!