Nigeria, We choose you always!

With everything happening in our dear Nation, it is no surprise a lot of us find it hard to be hopeful for a better tomorrow. It is no surprise some young folks all want to leave for another country. It is no surprise many risk their lives at the Mediterranean sea just to find a way of escape. It is no surprise those back home don’t bother to dream and strive for a better Nigeria.
As sad as the situation in our country is, it still remains our country. And it is up to us, to step out of the bleakness and chart a new way into greatness. As Nigeria turns 60, we here at Daily Need Industries Ltd want to stir up hope in your hearts. Yes, we may not be where we desire to be, but we definitely are not where we use to be. We have made progress; no matter how little it is…and we can still make great progress and make our country great again!
As an indigenous company, it is been our aim to make products in Nigeria, by Nigerians that are of great standard and adding immense value to people and the world at large. And you’re not an exception, you too can decide that you will get up and take a stand to make Nigeria great again. We’ve been given much and much is expected of us. Pay no attention to naysayers, they world sees you, the world is waiting for you to rise and be the giant they believe you to be.
Strive to be the best you can be: go to schools at home or abroad, develop your skills, gain exposure, pray for Nigeria, cast your vote during elections, speak up at injustice, invest in the Nation, purchase indigenous companies products…all these are ways to take a stand and be patriotic.
As we celebrate Nigeria at 60, we urge you to rise and make the commitment to do your part. Because it is up to us to make Nigeria great again! Don’t lay in despair and give up. Rise up and be the change Nigeria so greatly needs! Happy Independence Day.