New Year and Resolutions…

If your resolutions lasted up to 48 hours, please raise your hands up. It’s human to make plans and take
responsibility in seeing them through. As noble as this sounds, plans never seems to work out as we’ve
pictured them. Before the year began, a good number of us have envisioned our plans, some written
while some painted so brightly in our hearts. For some reason, right at the beginning of the year, those
plans were thwarted and now you’re at a loss on how the year will pan out.
If you’re like some of us, we believe you’re uncomfortable with uncertainty and that’s okay. Instead of
letting fear grip your heart, let your uncertainty flood your mind with hopeful good pictures. Then
commit yourself to living them out with joy, one day at a time.
Remember, your life is a compilation of seasons and stages. Focus on your life dreams and be present in
each stage of your life. Be intentional on knowing what season you are in and prepare appropriately. It’s
a New Year and it’s typical to want to start afresh, what if for you it’s harvest time? Come what may,
decide to fill your hearts with joy and hope, then decipher what stage you’re at and live it out in peace.