Let Success Chase You!

As the New Year unfolds, many review the past year, count their blessings and look forward to more. Others berate themselves for all the choices they made and its consequences and some just simply ignore what has happened and look forward to what lies ahead. Regardless of which group we fall into, our core purpose as human beings is to succeed in every area of our lives. At this venture, many have written down the New Year’s resolutions, goals, targets, plans and more to hit as the year unfolds. This is okay, because having a dream/vision for your life, organization, children, is a good step towards progress and execution. Beyond all that, we have a simple phrase we would love you to live by this new year.
“Follow after excellence and let Success Chase you!” Zig Ziglar wrote; “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation”! The truth in the above statement should not be watered down. The difference in many out there is mostly in their level of preparedness. An interview might come up for ten candidates, but the most prepared of them all goes home with the appointment letter. Five friends may start out a school project, but those with the highest level of commitment will be the ones to excel in that project. After all is written and planned out, decide to be excellent this year. Decide to be prepared when opportunities come your way, because they will definitely come.
How do you prepare? Good question! It may be something as simple as waking up early and dressing your bed. Clocking in a few minutes of exercise. Routine meditation and affirmations then being consistent. Find out ways to improve upon yourself, commit and do it excellently. No matter how little your position might be, start from that point and give due diligence and excellence to that task. Make excellence your watch word and spot the difference. Success has a catalyst and it is called excellence, this New Year, follow after excellence and watch success chase you! It is a New Year with many opportunities lying in wait for you. Our deepest desire is for you to be ready for when they show up. Have a happy, successful, New Year! We are rooting for you as always!