Joyful hearts, New dreams…

As the year folds up and we enter into the New year, we become nostalgic; wishing to go back in time and doing some things differently, seeking for what is familiar. This isn’t bad, it is human nature to long for the familiar and always feel like there’s something we could have done differently. After reminiscing, count your joys, your success, learn from your mistakes and draw a new vision board, make new goals and take conscious efforts towards execution.
A quote says; “don’t stress the could haves, if it should have, it would have”, this can mean different things to different people. Accept what has happened as the appropriate outcome and move forward. When trouble comes, it tends to overwhelm us and shadow the good times we’ve had, but it ought not to be so. You own your life and how you choose to react to circumstances is up to you, we urge you to choose joy today. Joy is life, peace, health and freedom! Right now we have a little task for you; get a paper and pen, write down the good times and the bad times in 2018, then compare. I bet the good times outweigh the bad! Look back at 2018 with joy. Count your blessing, no matter how tiny they may seem, count it all and fill your hearts with joy!
Today, you are alive and present with a number of things to be thankful for. After winter comes spring; you have tomorrow, a promise for new life, new beginnings and new dreams. Start again, live each day like it’s your last and kick defeat far away.…Live, Laugh, Love, It is a new season!