International Hug Day

The 21st of January marks the International Hug Day! Don’t we all just love bear hugs! Even for those who claim they aren’t huggers, we kind of believe they haven’t been hugged properly.
This day is credited to a Kevin Zaborney, who came up with the Idea in 1986. He recognised that the society is embarrassed to show feelings in public. He choose this particular day because, it fell between the Christmas, New Year’s Holidays and Valentine/birthdays where most people are generally in low spirits. He hoped this day will change that.
We Nigerians, take pride in how strong and emotionless we are. While many go on hurting underneath. This New Year, we urge you to hug frequently. It makes a whole lot of difference! Whatever your reason may be for not being a hugger, review it please and make an adjustment. You never know; what your child, spouse, crush, colleague needs may just be a hug! So, go on now and hug someone!