International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

“Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress”, that is our blessed country’s motto. We may not be where we want to be as a nation, but we are definitely not where we use to be. Today, we stand with UNESCO to celebrate this day, in remembrance of the slave trade and its Abolition. According to UNESCO, the night of 22 to 23 August 1971, in Santo Domingo (present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic) saw the beginning of the uprising that would play a crucial role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. It is on this account that the 23 of August from the year 1998 has been commemorated to celebrate the occasion in each following year.
The intent of this day is to imprint the tragedy of slave trade in the memory of all peoples. This led to the Director General of UNESCO invitation to the Ministers of Culture across all Member States to organize events every year. All inclusive of the entire population of their country, particularly young people, artists, educators and intellectuals. We here at Daily Need Industries Limited, compose this article to commemorate this day and admonish you to keep striving, enjoy this freedom and encourage one another. Stand united, keep watch over your comrades and help keep this peril a bay.
It is no news about the on-going slave trade in some parts of our world. Migration is a way of life right from way back. If you must migrate, do it legally, have all the correct information and be weary of “get-rich-quick” schemes. Today, we stand independently and free as a nation, be encouraged and enjoy your freedom. Do your best with what you have been given and let the love of country fill your heart. Nigeria is ours to build…no one will do that for us. Celebrate your local establishments and accomplishment, strive to do better for yourself and community. Equip yourselves with relevant skills to enhance innovation and development. We are making progress as a country and we cannot give up on her. Happy International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.