Hungry, but no Appetite?

Have you ever been in this situation or currently feeling this way? If you’ve ever felt this way, we believe you can agree with us that it isn’t the best feeling in the world at all. Seeing all manner of delicacies before you and having no desire to consume them. You can feel your mouth watering even, yet no drive to get up and eat. This loss of appetite occurs as a result of a number of things, we will be listing them below and also making provision for apt solution to this problem.
Most common causes of No Appetite includes:
• Dehydration- this goes beyond being thirsty. When our body isn’t adequately supplied with the right amount of water/fluids, it leads to dehydration which produces signs like loss of appetite, headaches, fatigue and more.
• Stress- people react to stress in various ways; some find themselves binge eating while others have no desire whatsoever for food.
• Depression- same also with depression; there are two extremes, binge eating but mostly a lack of appetite.
• Age- this condition is called ‘anorexia of aging’, it also leads to loss of appetite.
• Pregnancy- with pregnancy also comes a loss of appetite, its common knowledge that pregnant women have cravings for so many foods. On the flip side, some also experience a loss of appetite especially during their first semester.
• Medication- another cause of appetite loss is medications. Some medications result in a loss of appetite. These include medications for migraines and depression.
• Anaemia- red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the body. Anaemia a condition for having low count of healthy red blood cells can also lead to a loss of appetite.
What can be done to resolve this problem?
De-deon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B12! This is the solution; it is composed of ingredients that has the ability to boost your appetite! A daily dose of a tablespoonful for adults make all the difference. You can also incorporate fun ways to consume it (see previous post) and regain your appetite fully. Don’t wait until you’re hungry with no appetite before you start looking for De-deon’s Syrup of Haemoglobin Vitamin B2. Incorporate this into your diet and live your best life! We are rooting for you as always!