How to Re-enact the Perfect “Ofada” sauce (Ayamase)

We promised and now we are here to deliver! Ofada sauce just has a way of growing on almost everyone she (calling her ”it” just doesn’t sit right) comes across with. Most people cringe at the scent from “iru” (locust beans), yet bow in humble adoration at ofada-sauce’s presence. In most restaurants, it is the most expensive sauce and many don’t mind opting for it. Everything about ofada sauce is just peng; healthy, a heady aroma, with an equally yummy taste and a perfect sight! We are here today, bearing gifts and we hope you will receive it and share with your love ones someday soon.
- 1 cup of palm oil
- 6 large green bell peppers
- 3 green scotch bonnet peppers (atarodo)
- 500 grams assorted meat
- Dry fish/stock fish, 1 tablespoonful of crayfish
- 2 wraps of iru (locust beans) or 2 tablespoonful
- 2 large onions
- 2 suppyseasoning cube
- Salt to taste
- 3 hard-boiled eggs
Wash and cut meat into bite sizes, season with 1 cube of suppyseasoning, salt to taste and onions. Cook until tender and separate meat from stock and set aside. Cook dry fish/stock fish until tender and set aside. Coarsely blend/grind peppers and boil to evaporate excess water. You can choose to blend your iru or leave it whole and dice your onions. Pour palm oil into a dry pot and bleach for about 8-10 min. turn off heat and allow it to cool. Once it’s warm, turn on heat and add in onions and blanch slightly then add in iru and fry together. When the oil covers its content with bubbles, add in your seasoned meat and dry/stock fish. Fry until the oil floats to the top with bubbles then add in the boiled peppers and stir for 3-4 minutes. Add in stock from seasoned meat, ground crayfish, 1 cube of suppyseasoning and salt to taste. Lower heat and add in the boiled eggs then allow to simmer for roughly 10 minutes. Serve hot with ofada rice, basmati or even long grain rice! You can garnish with fried plantain for an exquisite mealtime!
We hope you will try this soon and invite us over, maybe! Have a super tasteful weekend!