Get the Glow and Light it Up!

You’d think a common phrase like “black is beautiful” will be accepted and believed by dark skinned people, but no! It’s the glaring opposite, young people confidently bleaching all over the place in the name of bringing out their “true colour”, removing acne spots, blemish and what not. I’m going to cut to the chase, all that hard work could have been channeled into preparing a delicacy with plenty stew! Your melanin already has all the glow, reach in and let it pop! We have living proof walking down our hallways all through the week! Coincidentally, our workforce consists of beautiful/handsome, dark, tall, athletic/macho, and God-fearing guys! (this sounds like someone’s prayer point, eh!) Guess what they all have in common? De-deon’s! Diligent and consistent patriots, whom without any external support pops everywhere. Glow doesn’t come from the outside, it is inside out, without a healthy lifestyle you’re just throwing away your money by investing in all that “lightening” cream & soap. When next you feel the urge to tone, just step out and buy some apples, water-melon, honey, veggies and De-deon’s syrup of Haemoglobin vitamin B12! You can be sure to get your money’s worth, so, go get the glow and let the melanin pop! You can pay us a visit to check out our specs lol, who knows, your answered prayers might just be strolling down our streets.