Fun at Work Day

The history of this day is not clearly stated and it appears to have more than one particular date. Which is okay, considering almost half of our lives is spent at work. Today seems like a great day to have fun at work, right? We survived the long January, salaries/wages are rolling in and it is the last Friday of the month. What better day to remind ourselves on ways to have fun! This post contains a few examples on fun activities while at work. Before you participate in any of these activities, make sure you clear it up with the management. We do not want “fun day at work” to become “last day at work”.
Ways to celebrate fun at work day; playing music while you work, bringing snacks/food and drinks for your colleagues, play board/card games for a few minutes and watch a few episodes of educative television shows. Employers too can engage in the fun by throwing a party for the staff during working hours, hosting special contests or just letting everyone leave for home a little earlier.
Most people dread their workplaces, yet find it completely horrifying to be absent from work. Instead of torturing oneself with no means of escape, while not find a way out of this depressing state? Yes, every day may not be fun at work day, but you can choose to have fun at work every day. Make friends at work, always have a smile for someone, take a second look at a hurting colleague, lend your ears and shoulder…acts of kindness are easy ways to stay happy! We spend the most part of our day at work, we might as well make it count. Having fun while working is another way to create an efficient working environment. Boosting the morale of the workers leads to increased productivity. We urge you today, get creative and make out time to have fun while working. Have a great day ahead, an awesome weekend and a beautiful new month! We are rooting for you as always!