Diet plan is a set of scheduled meals in order to achieve different metabolic and health goals, such as weight loss, sugar control, muscle gain etc. Most people associate diets with short-term weight loss and restrictive food intake, however, a diet plan is tailored to an individuals health status, weight and lifestyle along with their weight loss and health goals.
The diet plan acts as a bespoke template to steer your eating behavior, exercise and lifestyle management towards optimal health and wellbeing.
Here are some principles we believe are important to incorporate into a diet plan;
- Maintaining adequate levels of energy, nutrients, movements and rest of optimal health.
- Balancing different food groups and consuming food in the right proportion.
- Consuming the appropraite number of calories to maintain a healthy weight depending your metabolism and exercise levels.
- Focusing on creating a diet that is nutrient dense without being high in calories.
- Learning how to be moderate with foods that are higher in fats and sugar.
- Exploring varied diet that provides all the nutrients necessary for good health.
A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. it protects you against many (chronic non communicable disease such as diabetes, cancer etc)diseases. Eating a variety of food and consuming less salt, sugar, saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet.
- Emphasize vegetables, fruits, whole grain, and fat-free or low-fat diary products.
- Include lean meats, beans, fish, eggs and nuts.
- Limits saturated and trans-fats, sodium and added sugars
- Control portion sizes.
An example of diet is the cutting back of precisely 1800 calories per day as designed to reduce or suppress appetite.
How do i create a diet plan?
Here are some basic rules to follow while creating a diet plan;
- Stay fuller for longer by combining protein with fiber(found in whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes)at every meal and snack.
- conserve calories
- Have at least three(3) meals.
If you’re having foods and drinks that are high in fat, salt and sugar, have these less often and in small amounts. Also try to choose a variety of different food from the 5(five) main food groups to get a wide range of nutrients.