Dangers of substance abuse

Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is the use of a drug in amounts or by methods which are harmful to the individual or others. It is a form of substance-related disorder.
Substance abuse has many dangers and pitfalls. When alcohol or drugs are used excessively and abused there are many possible consequences. Substance abuse can lead to many different medical conditions, depending on the substance being abused. Drug and alcohol use can cause you to age prematurely, and can affect your heart and other internal organs. Alcohol and some drugs can damage or even destroy your liver when used excessively over a period of time. Snorting any substance can lead to infections and other medical complications.
- Brain Damage: Substance abuse can stimulate mental conditions, such as anxiety and depression by influencing the production of biochemical’s and hormones. Untreated addiction also increases the likelihood of spontaneous suicide and trigger episodes of hallucinations or paranoia.
- Liver Disease:
- Heart Disorders: Drugs like methamphetamine, cocaine, and ecstasy can present the body with a myriad of cardiovascular problems. These include irregular heart rhythm or even worse–a cardiac arrest that may be fatal. Injection drug use can also lead to collapsed veins and bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves.
Other dangers include
- Changes in blood pressure, appetite, sleep patterns, heart rate, and mood
- Overdose
- Cardiovascular issues such as stroke or heart attack
- Psychosis
- Death
- Hepatitis
- Mental illness
- Lung and heart disease
- Cancer
- Creating a Volatile Environment
Dangers of Substance Abuse | D’Amore Mental Health (damorementalhealth.com)
Dangers of Substance Abuse | Santé Center for Healing (santecenter.com)
Dangers of Substance Abuse | Addiction Treatment (victorybayrecovery.com)