Choose You!..

In a world so full of many choices served in different packages and platters, it is quite difficult to pick
what/who you want and be at peace. With careful observations, you find people clothed in their
indecisiveness as a badge of honor. It becomes a struggle to decide who to date, what food to eat,
where to go to school, what course to study or who to stay friends with. At the end of the day, the
choice is left for circumstances and other people to make.
We are here with a simple solution; choose you, it is the easiest choice that you can’t go wrong with!
“How do I choose me?” you may ask. It is really simple. For example, when you get home after a long
day at work, instead of consuming a full plate of eba, slump down on your couch with bottles of beer
and suya to catch up on the latest episode of Power. You can boost your system with De-deon’s syrup of
haemoglobin, then hit the gym, take a cool bath after, warm some leftover pasta with vegetables and
read a book to enlighten your mind! That is how to choose you. You could also choose to put in that
extra time to your project instead of engaging in a little gossip, or listen to a music/podcast that inspires
you and keep all the fear and anxiety at bay.
With your body and mind in the right space, you find ease in loving yourself. When you achieve this, you
can accurately make healthy choices because, now you know your worth and can clearly figure out
who/what is healthy for your growth. Choose you and live your best life now!