Chocolate Day!!!

Who else at the sound of chocolate thinks of tooth decay and all its companions? Or at the mention of it pictures your increasing waistline? Well, it is ‘Chocolate Day!’ Please, pardon us for all the pictures we will be creating today at the mention of our dear chocolate. History says chocolate was first discovered by the Spanish and because of how much they loved it, they kept this little secret to themselves a little longer. They were also the first to add sugar to it!
Birthdays are synonymous with cakes, Christmas with chicken/turkey and chocolate day most definitely should be celebrated with chocolates of course! We know some may be concerned about their health, weight, teeth and that’s okay. For those who would love to celebrate this day anyhow, the best way to do that is to visit your nearest mart. Get yourself some of your favourite chocolate bars, share with family and friends or create a chocolate exchange party and swap your favorites. Those who want a healthier choice, you are not forgotten! You can opt for a hot or cold chocolate or cocoa drink and share with a loved one over a movie or by yourself.
Indulge yourself today, for those feeling a little guilty, read this quote by Charles M. Schulz and enjoy your chocolate in peace. “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”- Charles M. Schulz. Life is for living, a little chocolate won’t hurt. Floss, brush your teeth, use a great mouthwash, clock in a few minutes of exercise, eat a few bars with moderation and you might just escape the ‘consequences’. Live you must! Happy Chocolate Day.