Build Your Defense

With everything happening in our world and all the chaos it brings, there is so much uncertainty in the air. This poses an opportunity for everyone to pause, take a deeper look into our habits and make necessary adjustments. When people are at war, the natural response is to shield up and fight. It is safe to say we are in a similar situation, right? Today, we are here with a few ways to build up your defense and give your system a fighting chance!
Eat Healthy; there is literal power and energy in foods. Focus more on immune boosting foods. A diet that contains whole, unprocessed foods boosts your overall health immensely! Foods rich in nutrients such as vitamin C & D, antioxidants and more is a good place to start.
Avoid Stress; putting your body under constant stress causes so much damages than good. Stress causes the body to produce a hormone known as cortisol; stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels reduces your body’s resistance to fighting off infection. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can improve your stress levels; get adequate sleep, practice meditation and exercise regularly.
Immunity Aids; many people have deficiencies in many vital nutrients such as vitamin D and this increases your chances of being infected. Supplements act as an aid to provide your body with appropriate amounts of needed vitamins. Take daily supplements as approved by your physician and boost your immunity.
Positive Attitude; maintaining a positive attitude goes a long way in boosting your immunity. Studies have shown that positive thoughts lowers stress levels and inflammation, thereby increasing ones resilience to infection. Think good thoughts, laugh a lot and smile always; it improves your attitude a lot.
As you make this changes, keep washing your hands, use your nose masks in public places and take social distancing seriously. Stay safe; together we will get through this!