Inauguration Day!!!

Don’t we all just love public holidays! May the 29th of every year has been declared a Nigerian public holiday for two decades. In 2018, the President declared a change in democracy day, from the 29th of May to the 12th of June. Also, the 29th of May represents inauguration day for elected leaders into their respective offices, hence the public holiday. As this is a public holiday, schools, most federal and state, private offices and firms will be closed for business.
As we enjoy this holiday, let’s celebrate our victories; the end of military rule, freedom to utilize basic human rights, remember the long sacrifices many offered to get us here, honor their efforts and struggles. As a country, we may not be where we want to be yet, but we are certainly not where we were and surely making progress. Let our hearts be full of gratitude and look forward with great expectancy to a brighter Nation.
Various activities takes place on this day, the most common is the swearing-in-ceremony of the President and Vice President elect at the Eagle Square in the capital city of Abuja, live viewing in recreational centers and homes. Traditional celebrations are also held in towns and villages to honor our unique culture and celebrate the new government. What is your favorite ceremony on this day? Comment your preference in the comment section, you may just be adding a bit of colour into someone’s day!
As we celebrate this day, we send our love to all Nigerians; at home and in diaspora, we uplift Nigeria, her leaders and the people into God’s hands. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria, God bless the President and all elected officials, God bless the citizens! Congratulations Nigeria, have a happy Inaugural day!