3 Habits to good success!

It is human nature to desire success and each day we get up and take our best swing with hopes that today might just be our lucky day. Songs have been sung, stories have been told that situation gets better with time and a good number of us have come to believe this narrative. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. If you are like most of us, we know you want more out of life and we are here with 3 habits to get you started on your journey.
Goal setting; create and put in writing a road map for where you want to be in a few weeks, months or years. Research and make an estimate of things you need to do to go the distance. Commit yourself to the process and cross out each milestone you achieve. Don’t forget to reward yourself!
Affirmations; are positive statements that aids in challenging one self and overcoming negative thoughts. These words are often repeated for as long as it takes to develop a firm belief of those words spoken. This act has so many benefits such as mitigating the effects of stress, boosting one’s problem-solving skills, finishing projects/goals. Goal setting combined with a positive mindset? You are halfway there!
Mentor-ship; it’s no wonder our parents nurtured us from infant-hood to adulthood. No man is an island of his own, hence the importance of a mentor cannot be overstated. Mentors advice, guides, pushes, sharpens, creates room for accountability and prevents one from repeating the same mistakes they made.
Things won’t change until you get intentional and do something about it. Today we urge you to commit yourself and make these necessary changes. Practice these habits, the 21/90 rule says it takes 21 days to build or break a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle. Consistency is the key, you must understand all these activities might be strange and unnatural, but keep at it. We promise you, these exercise are worth it! We are rooting for you as always.