3 finger-licking Nigerian soups

Nigerian cuisine is one of the most amazing cuisine in the whole world! If you are a Nigerian, let this information give you a good doze of comfort this morning! We have 3 finger-licking Nigerian soups with amazing health benefits for all age groups listed below.
Ewedu and Gbegiri; these are actually two separate soups consumed mostly together. Gbegiri is a bean-based soup, while ewedu is made of jute leaves. Both are usually consumed with stew and amala. Ewedu leaves are very rich in dietary fibre making it great for weight management and promotion of intestinal health. The leaves are also used in the treatment of ailments like fever and gonorrhea. Gbegiri on the other hand is rich in B vitamins, making it an awesome solution for glowing skin and optimal function of the digestive system, brain and nerve cells.
Miyan kuka; is very popular in the Northern part of Nigeria, it is usually consumed with tuwon shinkafa, pounded yam or eba. It is made from powdered baobab leaves and dried okra. Also packed up with a wide range of health benefits which includes; calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and more. These compositions aids as a detoxifier and liver cleanser, builder up of collagen and prevention of heart disease.
Egusi Soup; is one of the most popular Nigerian soup consumed all over the country. It is made of grounded melon seed and leafy vegetables. Its nutritional compositions are numerous; great sources of minerals and vitamins such as carbohydrate, protein, zinc, B-vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin), dietary fibre, sulphur, magnesium and more. This makes it suitable for prevention of inflammation, cancerous growths, arthritis, diabetes and more. Egusi soup is also great for a healthy, glowing skin, aids digestion and boosts appetite!
Isn’t this completely amazing? A tasty, delicious, finger-licking meal that is equally healthy and very beneficial to our body systems. So, when next you crave some comfort food, remember this post and find your nearest Nigerian soup to put a smile on your face and life to your body!