World Health Day

Yesterday, the 7th of April 2019 marked World Health Day! How woke is that! #Fitnessgoals, #fitfam, #healthylifestyle, #healthyliving are jumping out of the pages of Instagram and steadily making a dent on the glass ceilings. Still, a lot of work needs to be done, especially in this part of the continent. An average Nigerian believes that his day-to-day activities sums up to over an hour full-body work-out, can eat about any meal at any given time with a clear conscience…
Studies have stated that 75% of black people live beyond the age 60. Of recent, a news source projected the life expectancy of an average Nigerian by 2050 at 50 years. This is alarming but not a surprise; the love of fried chicken, flour products, fries, sugary donuts, a huge bowl of “fufu” at 12:00 am and little or no physical activity are all indicators leading to this outcome.
A wise one said, health is wealth. You can have all the money in the world, but unable to enjoy it if you are health challenged. As much as checking out our life goals is in important, we need to give utmost priority to our health. Of what good is a man who works hard all his life only to not live long enough to enjoy the fruit of his labour? Let this day awaken a new drive within. To keep your body on the grind; put in good stuff, get in enough rest and exercise constantly. With the internet, valid information are literally on our fingertips. Ask google, DuckDuckGo,, yahoo, bing… go through the stories on our blog, you will find a variety of options to start with. Bite the little you can chew, work your way in and be consistent. Your health is paramount, dedicate yourself to taking great care of your body. Happy World Health Day.